Sunday, December 20, 2009

First Snowfall of the season

I think.. and it was a big one. The northeastern is one that made the record books. I believe we got about 15 inches in about 24 hours.

You live and learn and today I learned that I always have to check my settings on the camera before shooting. Last time I used it it was under very different circumstances and completely different settings..

Our house

The neighbor's house

Love the tree in the front yard

Britt is feeling under the weather and probably could not have picked a worse day to be sick.

Kristin loving the snow, and who cares about hat and gloves..

Our neighbor Tom, helping plowing our sidewalk and then let me use his snow blower to clean the drive way. So much better on my back.

Are they expecting a snow storm??

Britt was smart enough to get out of the way, but Kristin wanted to to stay in the line of fire, or should I say snow.

1 comment:

Jim, "Homer" said...

Looking at these brings back some great memories from my time spent in South Dakota. I'm sure it can be a pain, but snow is simply beatuful, especially after a fresh snow fall.